Posted in lifestyle

Untitled 2023

Seven days into the new year, and I am finding myself looking at old blog posts, arguing over my silence with myself. What happened? Life happened. A child, moving halfway across the world, the list goes on! I haven’t had the time or made the effort to get myself back to some form of normal, as normal has never been a permanent thing. I’ve been incredibly hard on myself over things totally out of my control, but I have decided to put all that behind me with zero expectations of what 2023 should hold or mean at the end of it. For once, I am going to try and make absolutely nothing work out this year, I am going to let it come to me as thus far this year it has worked in my favor. I think at times we push too hard for things to be a certain way instead of just letting it be.

I hope this year that you find what works for you. I hope it’s good, I hope it is great, I hope it’s the best year yet, and if not, there will be another. I hope I stay longer this time, I hope the perfectionist in me doesn’t judge myself too hard. I hope for once I just enjoy and don’t take all of this too seriously. I hope I don’t judge myself into a depression over successes and failures that are or could be.

I wish you luck. I wish you joy, peace, and happiness. But most of all, be kind to yourself. Life is hard, and we can all do with a little kindness to ourselves and to those around us.

Talk soon



Writer, blogger, AI explorer and confirmed Coffee addict.

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